Thermally Modified Wood


Thermal Modification

In our Raahe factory we can modify any kiln of wood for our customers, but we are specialized for sustainable Finnish Pine and Spruce (Redwood and Whitewood). We have available most of the decking and siding/cladding profile sizes from stock, and also other dimensions are available by order. The treatment levels we keep in stock are Durability Levels 1, 2 and 3. Also some 212°C level products are available.  Our Thermally Modified Wood can be used for both exterior and interior applications, example for  cladding and windows, doors and furniture to decking or flooring, landscaping and interior paneling.

Decking boards

Cladding boards

Flooring boards

Decoration profilies

Thermally modifies sawn goods

Rawsawn untreated wood available from stock thicknesses 25, 32, 50 mm, widths 100, 125 and 150 mm. Other size by order availabble as well.


A selection of our wooden profiles


wood models, puu mallit


wood models, puu mallit


The composition of our wood is altered by effectively removing moisture and breaking down the hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin components within the cell structure. Sugar molecules in the wood are converted into

a substance that can no longer be eaten by fungi and moulds or digested by beetles etc. At the same time, natural preservatives like those found in tar are spread throughout the wood, preventing the growth of decay fungi.

Improved resistance to decay & weather conditions

properties of heat-treated wood, lämpökäsitellyn puun ominaisuudet